Book Clubs
TL Bequette would love to support any book club or literary group interested in reading and discussing Good Lookin’ and Blood Perfect. If you would like to feature Good Lookin’ or Blood Perfect at your reading group, you can get in touch for free access to talking points and conversation guides written by the author.
As part of his support for book clubs and literary groups TL Bequette would be thrilled to attend your group via video link and answer any questions your members may have about Good Lookin’ and his writing process.
For free resources and more, please reach out via the contact page.

An Excerpt from Good Lookin': A Joe Turner Mystery
For a split second I thought about running, but Dunigan filled the doorway as he picked up the unconscious deputy with his handcuffed meat hooks and effortlessly tossed him into the hallway. I’ll never forget the hollow clang of the metal door when he shut it, locking us inside the tiny room. I smashed a red alarm button on the wall behind me just before the giant prisoner slid the heavy metal table across the room as if it were made of plastic, pinning me against the wall. The behemoth leaned on the table and stared at me, eyes wild and grinning maniacally. He took a couple deep breaths and forcefully blew the air and spittle out through his yellowed teeth.
He stood up straight, keeping me pinned to the wall, leaning his girth against the table. I tried to push it away with both hands, twisting frantically, but it was useless against his weight and strength. His grin widened and his breathing intensified as if aroused by my fear. Then he reached toward my head with his two hands the size of catcher’s mitts, holding them there a few inches from my head. I turned sideways and pressed my cheek against the wall, keeping sight of his hands with one eye that pulsed with panic. He kept his hands there, close to my face, reveling in the anticipation. I pictured his hands squeezing my head, his thumbs entering my brain through my eye-sockets.